Dr. Stephen Masters Consulting is based in Melbourne, Florida, USA. We specialize in customizations of the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) mesocale weather prediction model. Steve is a Certified Consulting Meteorologist of the American Meteorological Society. In addition to his experience with mesoscale modeling, Steve has experience in weather data acquisition and processing, atmospheric transport and dispersion, and statistical validation of mesoscale and atmospheric transport models.
We provide several types of services to our clients. These include...
Customized operational WRF configurations. With the continuing advancement in computing technology, custom meteorological modeling is no longer in the realm of supercomputers or national data centers. We can create a WRF configuration for any area of the world and set up an operational forecast system on your own computers or ours. In addition to the WRF setup, we can provide a set of customized charts, tables, and graphs as well as basic web pages depicting the WRF forecasts.
WRF in the cloud. We can set up your forecast system to run on Amazon Web Services. This can be cost-effective you have a short-term or short-fuse modeling project and do not have the necessary computing capability readily available.
Ensemble WRF forecasts. Using initial conditions from the US Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), we can create an ensemble of higher resolution WRF forecasts for your region. Visualize the uncertainty in your temperature, rainfall, and wind forecasts up to seven days in the future.
WRF Validation. Using data from the NOAA MADIS system and the Model Evaluation Tools (MET) software, we can calculate verification statistics and produce charts depicting how well your WRF forecasts are really simulating reality.
NCEP Model Graphics. There are many public web pages with maps and charts from the various NCEP model suites. You may want specialized charts from regional views of the NAM or GFS, or you may want information from the GEFS ensembles specific to your location. We can customize graphics or tabular data to your needs and provide you with the data on an operational basis.
Professional Consulting. We are available for consulting on a wide range of meteorological issues. Contact us to discuss your needs.